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Sibley Soil & Water Conservation District (507)-702-7077

2024 Outstanding Conservationist
Conservation can be a humbling expereince. It often involves overcoming hurdles and testing our ability to adapt. It is our willingness to learn from failures that helps us perservere. This year Sibley Soil and Water Conservation District is proud to annouce Karl Schauer as the 2024 Outstandig Conservationist of the year. From a young age, Karl has always been involved in farming. However, his soil health journey started when he saw a rainfall simulator demonstration. “It took seeing a rainfall simulator to really open my eyes to how much runoff there is with conventional tillage,” Schauer said. “Everyone should pay attention or watch a rainfall simulator. It all starts to make sense.” He started by purchasing some equipment utilizing the AgBMP program. He immediately started implementing no-till on his beans, strip-till for corn and a diverse mix of interseeded cover crops on all acreage. “It’s all about management, input costs are saved, I don’t have to buy as much diesel fuel, not doing fall/spring tillage,” Schauer said. “It is a funny feeling.” Karl sees firsthand the benefits of the conservation practices he has implemented. So much so, that he has started working with some folks in his neighborhood by spreading the gospel. Today Karl is a part-time farmer operating 80 acres in New Auburn Township. “I would love to have more acreage,” Schauer said. “I’m just trying to grow a crop as economical as I can with all the conservation methods in place.” Karl’s advice to others is “don’t be afraid to try some of these practices. It is the way; it is the future of farming. Reach out to me or someone who has been doing it.” Karl also serves as a member and Farmer Mentor with the Minnesota Soil Health Coalition. Sibley SWCD sees Karl as a valuable mentor and is very grateful for his stewardship towards conservation.
Article by Tara O'Brien
Photos by Tara O'Brien & Karl Schauer
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