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Sibley Soil & Water Conservation District (507)-702-7077

Technical Assistance & Cost Share Program

The Sibley SWCD offers both technical assistance as well as cost share assistance for the implementation of conservation practices. Our experienced staff will work with you on the development of a conservation plan that will help to provide a solution to your resource concerns and needs. The Cost Share Program, if available, is meant to help offset the costs of installing the practices outlined within the conservation plan.
Types Soil Loss

Are you experiencing any of these types of erosion? There are many different causes of erosion and likewise there are many solutions that can help deter and even prevent erosion. Strategies range from a simple change of farming direction or introducing cover crops, to reduced tillage or a full scale erosion control structure to minimize the impacts of erosion. The first step is to ask us for assistance, we will happily provide you with best management strategies to fit your situation!

Sheet & Rill
Classic Gully
Soil Loss
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